National Postcard Week is the first full week in May. It is a celebration of the wonderful world of postcards when postcard enthusiasts exchange and swap their postcards through the mail domestically and internationally.
From wacky to serious, this event may inspire your creativity—set off a spark, awaken your creative juices and sprinkle this excitement around the world!
PhotoPOSTOS encourages the fun of picture-taking and postcard and history-making.
Be sure to visit our ‘SWINGS’ page to preserve your postcards, photos and letters with this hands-down solution for hands-off viewing of two-sided keepsakes. Two sizes.
To add historical value to your custom made cards any time of the year:
• ask the postal clerk hand-stamp your postcard for a clearly readable cancellation date. Be sure to test it first on a piece of paper because some overused postmark stamps are in poor shape and illegible. I know. it happened to me and I was left with a blob of red, wet ink. But even THAT blob was part of that postcard’s journey. I brought it home, let it dry overnight and added a breif note next to the blob explaining what happened. A clear stamped impression was added the next day and mailed.
• to ensure that it will become part of history even if the cancellation stamp is illegible, it’s a good idea to include the date someplace on your postcard
• if your postcards are part of a series, number each such as 1 of 50, 2 of 50, etc. This will increase the chance of each one becoming a collectors’ item
• theme ideas: whelp, considering the current circumstances, anything out of the ordinary will do. In fact, adding a time stamp will record the time and date that your out of the ordinary photo was taken of an empty freeway during rush hour, a wild animal strolling downtown, an empty beach on a hot day, a current event, a sign of the times, your local area, a topic that is of special interest to you or your recipients, an abstract sighting, sidewalk chalk art that might even mention any of the above, or anything else that fits your fancy
• if featuring your original art, be sure to add your name (first name only is ok). If it’s not your work of art, be sure to give proper credit for a more informative postcard that may also increase its value at some point in time
• think of your recipients and feature a photo on their special postcard of something that interests them like their favorite classic car, flower, sunset, a view, etc.
You get the picture, no pun intended. But MOST OF ALL, HAVE FUN along with the people your surprise when they receive your postcard.